Trotec SP3000 Large Fromat Laser Cutter
With a bed size of 3200x2200mm and power coming from a 200w Synrad Firestar this laser cutter truly is large format.
Tandem mode, splits the bed in 2 with a central safe zone, this allows uniterupted laser cutting and down time by loading material onto both sides of the bed, whilst one side is cutting the other turns safe for loading / unloading material.
Vision Software for accurate laser cutting of printed materials
Vision, uses regestration marks of printed panels to give 100% cutting accuracy over and over again.
Cut by cut in highest precision! The eurolaser laser cutting machine M-1200 is a compact model with a processing area of 1,330 x 1,230 mm (52.3″ x 48.4″).
Just like all eurolaser laser cutting machines the sealed-off laser technology in connection with exchangeable modular assembly groups reduces the lifecycle costs to a minimum
Power 2 x 250 watts
Maximum Cutting Size 1300x3000mm
Maximum Cutting Thickness 25mm
updated 26 March GM